Children and Youth
Sunday School
Pre-Readers: |
First Communion at ALC
5th Graders will receive their First Communion during December as part of our Milestone Ministry as they prepare to receive the gift of Jesus. Classes will consist of 2-3 Sunday morning sessions that include an opportunity to paint and create their own chalices.
Wednesday Night Programming
6th grade-10th grade in preparation for their Affirmation of Baptism. Youth grades 6 – 9 meet on Wednesday evenings throughout the school year, worshiping together and then meeting with their classmates in small group and large group times. Youth in Grade 10 meet on Wednesday for 6 weeks to engage in Peer Ministry training before being confirmed on Reformation Sunday usually the last Sunday in October.
Wednesday Night Ignite
is for pre-confirmation-age kids and is designed to spark a love for Jesus through Bible-based, real world lessons. Following Koinonia Worship, K-5th graders participate in activities that show how God is visible and at work in their everyday lives.